Old Perlican
HAANL values 10 core principles and will apply them to our operations, activities and relationships:
1) HAANL values fair representation of all Harbour Authorities in Newfoundland and Labrador in its membership and when speaking on issues of importance.
2) We will show a willingness to help harbour authorities when they seek assistance from the Association. This includes listening to members and being up front with them.
3) We commit to providing the best and most reliable information possible when dealing with requests for assistance.
4) We will develop and nurture healthy working relationships with stakeholders and partners of the association.
5) We will respect and consider the views of members, which may at times be diverse.
6) Our business will be conducted in an open and transparent way.
7) HAANL is accountable to its membership.
8) We will work in the best interests of the commercial fishing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador.
9) We will ensure our availability as volunteers and be reliable in our relationships with members.
10) We will demonstrate confidence in board decisions which honour the decision-making process and promote trust between board members.