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  • Marguerite Drake — HA of Burin (891-2858/1051)

  • Kim Blackwood — HA of Carmanville (534-2154)

The Mentoring Corner

REMINDER:  The fiscal year-end for harbour authorities is March 31 of each year. Unsure if your harbour authority is up-to-date with submitting the annual reports, please call DFO-SCH.  


HA’s also have mandatory obligations to Revenue Canada. The harbour authority is required to submit T2 short forms to Revenue Canada within six months of each tax year, that means September 30, 2020 harbour authorities (a year of corporation fiscal period). When’s tax year ends on day of a, the by day of the months after of year.


Have financial/bookkeeping questions? Call a financial mentor! Seven HA members in NL region are designated financial mentors who are available to answer questions HA’s may have at no charge. If they don’t have the answers, they will point you in the right direction to get your questions answered.



What is a mentor?


Mentor: An experienced and trusted advisor.  They are knowledgeable and willing to guide others, provide suggestions, and share information.

Are they paid? No. While some mentors may be in a paid position with a Harbour Authority, they are not paid to be a  mentor. They are active members of the Harbour Authority community and have volunteered to be a mentor.

Who can call a Harbour Authority Financial Mentor?

Any volunteer or paid employee with a Harbour Authority. Usually someone involved with the finances or reporting for the HA. Calls might come from a treasurer, president, secretary, board member, harbour supervisor, or someone you have engaged to help with managing your money and completing Reports. 


And it is FREE.  There is no cost to contact a mentor.

What kinds of questions can I ask?
Anything related to managing HA money or financial reporting and accountability.

Here are some examples:

  • Do I need to register for HST?

  • Is there a letter to send people who haven’t paid their fees?

  • Do you have a sample invoice I can use?

  • Where can I find the T2 Short form?

  • How do I set up a student on payroll?

  • Can you help me calculate an answer for the annual report to SCH?

What a mentor should do (Expectations)


  • Listen

  • Make suggestions

  • Provide accurate information

  • Seek out current information or resources

  • Maintain confidentiality

  • Teach, show, demonstrate

  • Encourage

  • Follow Up

  • Know when to refer to outside expertise

What a mentor should not do (Limitations)


  • Does not provide legal advice

  • Does not misrepresent their own skills and qualifications

  • Does not “DO”the task for the mentoree

  • Does not “DO”your books or complete your forms Does not discuss your situation with others unless agreed upon by both.

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