Blue Beach, NL
Pamela Abbott - President
Phone/Cell: 709.649.9390
VP, Terry Tucker - 709.721.3584
Secretary/Treasurer Patrick Jesso - 709.699.3085
Members: Fallon Flynn, Neil Tucker, Terry Benoit and Sheldon Greene.
Harbour Authority Address:
Box 2, Site 13 RR#2
Piccadilly, NL A0N 1T0
Email: bluebeachharbour@outlook.com
The Blue Beach Harbour Authority does not have a Supervisor at the harbour. The Harbour Authority itself can accommodate vessels up to 45 ft.
The harbour is at capacity and cannot accommodate additional vessels at this time and there is a waitlist for berthage for both recreational and commercial vessels.
Our email address is:
The depth of the water around the wharf is 8 ft at high tides. The harbour has no water supply thus no accessible hookups, washer/dryer or showers but does have bathroom facilities. Garbage containers are available on site but there are no recycling containers, no waste oil disposal, and no weekly pickup. The harbour does not have shore power (hookup but no generator) and there is presently no WI-FI.
Does your harbour have new photos or information that you would like to include on your membership Page? If yes, please share them with HAANL by emailing: haanl_inc@yahoo.ca